Is there anyone who doesn’t like the idea of tanning in the sun, of listening to jazz, of drinking a cocktail and swimming in the sea at Monte Carlo? The answers are both “no”, right?
To our shame, we didn’t check the weather before leaving for Monaco and, as we were approaching, we met with an angry rain. We didn’t know how to react: be sad, be resigned or hopeful? I personally chose to be hopeful and I kept saying to myself that it will get brighter later.
And guess what? I was right. The weather improved in no time and we quickly got rid of the umbrellas. The only thing I regret is the fact that we couldn’t see the beautiful view from our drive because of the drops that were invading our windows. We could only catch a little.
At first, we found a parking lot, where we left the car for 8 hours. In this time we scoured the entire city. I was entirely amazed by the beautiful view, by the imposing buildings and by the latest models of cars.
We started with the Japanese garden and continued with admiring the streets and the buildings, including Monte Carlo Casino and Opera House, hotels and many others.
Afterwards, we started to climb some stairs hidden from the eye and got to the top, where we could see the entire city and the seaside. After getting tired of walking in the sun, we ate out and went to get our changes for beach.
We found a good spot with great depth. We liked the idea that there were stairs, even water trampolines. So I learned how to dive. Also, water was so clear that you could see plainly the fish wandering around.
The most beautiful feeling I had while floating in the water 4m deep, listening to jazz and admiring the landscape. Jazz, water and splendid view… what else?
At first we wanted to leave in the same evening to Italy, but we decided to stay the night and fully enjoy the experience.