I’ve always been a little shorter than others and I’ve always been aware of that. Since I was a child I had to hear every time people saying it.
Even in school pictures, I appear with a head lower than my colleagues. At 6 I started playing the piano and the teacher advised me not to play basketball, which I liked at the time, afraid that I could somehow hurt my fingers. So I only played football during my sports classes.
My parents always thought that I would grow more at some point, so they didn’t worry too much until I was 12 years old, when they thought that I should go see a doctor. I’ve stayed in hospital more than a month, while doctors were trying to find out if I was healthy. And after many examinations they said I’m perfectly healthy.Then, after some time, she took me to another doctor, the last one. After some examinations, it was clear enough that my bones weren’t meant to grow faster, that I’ve always grown, just not as much as others. He told my mother firmly enough that she should leave me as I was left to be, that I am beautiful as I am and I don’t need to be taller to succeed in life. I understand my mom, who tried to do something about it, not to think later that she didn’t do everything she could.

I don’t know exactly how I started gaining trust in me. It happened during those times of anxiety, as a defensive mode. I’ve started feeling that people didn’t take me too seriously because they saw in me a cute little thing, so I grew some attitude.

People feel comfortable around me, so it’s easier getting along with them. Also, you learn how to base on your personality and knowledge, more than on the appearance.